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肝心なのは、「写真」と実世界との違いです。 適切なアングルとフレームで取り出すだけで、なんでもないシーンは素晴らしい「芸術品」になります。
 アングル、フレームとライティングは無限な組み合わせがあるので、無限に楽しめます! 焦点距離、絞り値、場合によってシャッター速度を入れると、創造性もまた無限にあります。その醍醐味は、写真撮影を愛する人と、そうでない人との理解度はまるっきり違ってきます。

写真撮影All Aboutによる写真撮影の基礎から、テーマごとのアドバイス・コツ集である。
ストリートスナップを撮るPHOTO STYLEによるフォトテクニックの講座である。散歩好きの人に是非参考してほしい。
気になる○○教えます デジカメの仕組み手振れとピンボケの違い、なんで手振れが発生するのか、そして手振れ補正のしくみなどを研究します。また、画素数が多いと画質がかえって低下するという、一見常識的には首をかしげるけど本当の話をしくみから説明します。レンズ、撮像素子(CCD、CMOSイメージセンサー)、レンズ、手ぶれ補正など、デジタルカメラ技術の入門。
List of most expensive photographs

  Photography is not just for "professionals", neither "artists", but for everybody who has a camera regardless how cheap it is. As long as one likes to record one's environment, what is pleasing or worth to preserve, a photograph is one of the best ways. A picture is worth a thousand words(一畫勝千言).
  Although in Japanese, this is more likely translated as "百聞は一見にしかず" (seeing is believing), the differences between "seeing" and a photograph are: the former has a wider angle and dynamic range, with 3 dimensional information (although "artificially" formed in one's brain). Also, a photograph is a "slice" of a real world, at its particular time, lighting (by the weather or ambient conditions), viewing angle and exposure parameters.
  The differences between a professional and non-professional (aka amateur) are, besides the number of photographs to throw away, they have a better eye or sense in finding the beautiful or eye-catching moment, angle, points of a subject.
  In the book "Making money from photography" by Digital SLR Photography, there are some interesting descriptions about professional photographers:
the tag ‘professional’ is no certification of technical ability, artistic prowess or success. It simply means that you make the majority of your living through photography, and as the economic market generally craves mediocrity more than it does ingenuity,it’s no disservice to say there are probably as many talented amateurs out there as there are professionals.
... ...
being a professional photographer isn’t going to transform your life into a state of permanent bliss. You might not get to shoot the things you enjoyed as an amateur, and you’ll likely find that you’ve less time for your personal work than you may have had before you turned pro. To quote a pro contributors of ours: “Turning pro is a great way to ruin a good hobby.”

  Even if the border between a professional and an amateur is very thin or vague, there are always a distinct difference between a "good" photographer, and a "bad" one, depending on the circumstances or contexts. There is a famous quote by Ansel Adams: "You don't take a photograph, you make it." The "make" part is what makes the differences.

  In the other pages of this class room, one can find a quick tutorial about photography (the fundamental how-to), links of photography (reviews, product information, photography gallery etc.) and photography theories.The posts here are only the opinions and memos of the author, an amatuer photography in any senses, not "professional" advices or tips. Any critics, advices, tips are welcome.

  There are also some tips and examples of original works.

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