Terminology of Photography 写真撮影用語集

(本ページは、基本的にニコンの「デジタル一眼レフカメラの基礎知識」にある用語と定義を参照しやすいように、その英語版と合わせて一ページにまとめたものです。詳細内容と以下の用語の組み合わせについては同ページをご参照ください。This page is a summary of Nikon's Digital SLR Camera Basics for easy references. )

最短撮影距離(Minimum Focus Distance)

The minimum focus distance is the shortest distance at which a lens can focus. In the case of digital SLR cameras, the distance to the subject is measured from the focal plane mark on the camera body, not from the front of the lens.

被写界深度Depth of Field

  • レンズの絞り値が小さくなるほど、被写界深度は浅くなり、大きくなるほど被写界深度は深くなります。
  • レンズの焦点距離が長くなるほど、被写界深度は浅くなり、短くなるほど被写界深度は深くなります。
  • 撮影距離(被写体とカメラの間の距離)が短くなるほど被写界深度は浅くなり、撮影距離が長くなるほど被写界深度は深くなります。

Depth of field is the distance that appears to be in focus in front of and behind the point on which the lens is actually focused. Depth of field is determined by aperture, lens focal length, and the distance to the subject:
  • Aperture: Wider apertures (lower f-numbers) reduce depth of field, smaller apertures (higher f-numbers) increase depth of field.
  • Lens focal length: Longer focal lengths reduce depth of field, shorter focal lengths increase depth of field.
  • Distance to the subject: Shorter distances reduce depth of field, greater distances increase depth of field.

開放絞り値(開放F値;Depth of field, Minimum f-number)

The maximum diameter of the lens opening is referred to as its maximum aperture or minimum f-number. The minimum f-number is the smallest f-number that can be selected with the lens. The maximum aperture varies from lens to lens and is included in the lens model name.

焦点距離と画角(Focal Length and Angle of view)


The focal length of the lens is the distance between the lens and the image sensor when the subject is in focus, usually stated in millimeters (e.g., 28 mm, 50 mm, or 100 mm). In the case of zoom lenses, both the minimum and maximum focal lengths are stated, for example 18–55 mm.
The angle of view is the visible extent of the scene captured by the image sensor, stated as an angle. Wide angle of views capture greater areas, small angles smaller areas. Changing the focal length changes the angle of view. The shorter the focal length (e.g. 18 mm), the wider the angle of view and the greater the area captured. The longer the focal length (e.g. 55 mm), the smaller the angle and the larger the subject appears to be.

遠近感パースペクティブ, Perspective

Perspective is a term for a visual effect that causes objects to appear smaller as their distance from the viewer increases. In photography, you can control perspective by changing the lens focal length. Lenses are typically described as being either wide (wide-angle lenses) or long (telephoto lenses). Wide-angle lenses have wide angles of view, increasing the difference in the apparent sizes of objects that are at different distances from the camera. In other words, nearby objects appear larger and distant objects smaller. Telephoto lenses, in contrast, have small angles of view, decreasing the difference in the apparent sizes of objects that are at different distances from the camera. This effect can be used to exaggerate or reduce the effects of perspective by changing the focal length of the lens.
Imagine photographing a subject at the same apparent size using lenses with different focal lengths. Despite the difference in focal length, you will be able to photograph the subject so that it appears to be the same size in the frame , but only by moving the camera: with a wide-angle lens you will have to be close to your subject while with a telephoto lens you will have to be farther away. And although the subject will be the same size within the frame, the apparent distance to the background will change. At wide angles, more of the background will be visible and background objects will appear to be farther away. With telephoto lenses, on the other hand, less of the background will be visible and background objects will appear to be closer.


Exposure” is the act of exposing the image sensor to light. By adjusting the amount of light, you can make a photograph of a bright sunlit scene look dark, or a shot of a dark interior look bright. Digital SLR cameras have auto-exposure systems that automatically produce photographs of optimal brightness. You can use this system for optimal results with both brightly-lit and poorly-lit subjects. This is referred to as “optimal exposure.”

シャッタースピードShutter Speed

Shutter speed is a measurement of the time the shutter is open, shown in seconds or fractions of a second: 1 s, 1/2 s, 1/4 s … 1/250 s, 1/ 500 s, etc. The faster the shutter speed, the shorter the time the image sensor is exposed to light; the slower the shutter speed, the longer the time the image sensor is exposed to light.
If you are photographing a subject that is in motion, you will get different effects at different shutter speeds. Fast shutter speeds will “freeze” motion, while slow shutter speeds introduce blur from two sources: camera movement (camera shake) and subject movement (for information on this topic, see “Camera Blur and Motion Blur”). In other words, the faster the shutter speed the easier it is to photograph the subject without blur and “freeze” motion and the smaller the effects of camera shake. In contrast, slower shutter speeds are suited to suggesting the motion, such as that of flowing water or other moving subjects. Changing the shutter speed gives you control over whether to “freeze” or suggest motion.

露出補正Exposure Compensation

Exposure compensation is used to alter exposure from the value selected by the camera, making photographs brighter or darker.
In modes P, S, and A, the camera automatically adjusts settings for optimal exposure, but this may not always produce the exposure the photographer intended. Exposure is a matter of personal preference, and an exposure brighter or darker than that selected by the camera may sometimes better reflect the photographer's intent. The feature used in such situations is called exposure compensation. Digital SLR cameras allow you to check the results immediately, so you can take a photograph, display it in the monitor, and then raise exposure compensation for brighter results or lower exposure compensation for darker results and take another picture.


Aperture controls the brightness of the image that passes through the lens and falls on the image sensor. It is expressed as an f-number (written as “f/” followed by a number), such as f/1.4, f/2, f/2.8, /f4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22, or f/32.
Changing the f-number changes the size of the aperture, changing the amount of light that passes through the lens. The higher the f-number, the smaller the aperture and the less light that passes through the lens; the lower the f-number, the larger the aperture and the more light that passes through the lens. For example, changing the aperture from f/4 to f/5.6 halves the amount of light passing through the lens and halves the brightness of the image that falls on the image sensor.
Changing the f-number also changes the distance in front of or behind the focus point that appears to be in focus. The higher the f-number, the greater the distance in front of and behind the focus point that appears to be in focus; on the other hand, the lower the f-number, the shorter the distance in front of and behind the focus point that appears to be in focus. The distance in front of and behind the focus point that appears to be in focus is referred to as “depth of field.”

撮影モード PSAM露出モード) P, S, A, and M Modes (Exposure Modes)

Shooting modes fall into three categories: auto, scene, and P, S, A, and M modes. In auto and scene modes the camera controls shutter speed and aperture. P, S, A, and M modes are known as exposure modes and give photographers a choice as to which elements of exposure—aperture or shutter speed—they wish to control.
・Mode P (Programmed Auto)
The camera automatically adjusts aperture and shutter speed for optimal exposure, but the photographer can choose from different combinations of aperture and shutter speed that will produce the same exposure. This is known as flexible program.
・Mode S (Shutter-Priority Auto)
The photographer chooses the shutter speed and the camera automatically adjusts aperture for optimal exposure.
・Mode A (Aperture-Priority Auto)
The photographer chooses the aperture and the camera automatically adjusts shutter speed for optimal exposure.
Note: that in all three modes—P, S, and A—exposure is automatically adjusted for optimal results.
・Mode M (Manual)
The photographer chooses both aperture and shutter speed, providing the greatest latitude for creative expression. Choosing the wrong combination could, however, result in photographs that are too bright (overexposed) or too dark (underexposed). We therefore recommend using the camera exposure indicator as a guide when choosing aperture and shutter speed.

ISO感度ISO Sensitivity

In the case of digital cameras, ISO sensitivity is a measure of the camera's ability to capture light. Digital cameras convert the light that falls on the image sensor into electrical signals for processing. ISO sensitivity is raised by amplifying the signal. Doubling ISO sensitivity doubles the electrical signal, halving the amount of light that needs to fall on the image sensor to achieve optimal exposure. In other words, if ISO sensitivity is raised from ISO 100 to ISO 200 while aperture is left unchanged, the same exposure can be achieved with a shutter speed twice as fast. The same is true if ISO sensitivity is raised from ISO 200 to ISO 400.
The slow shutter speeds needed for dark interior scenes leave photographs prone to camera blur. If you raise ISO sensitivity, you can choose faster shutter speeds and reduce camera blur. This is why people say that ISO sensitivity should be raised if lighting is poor.
ISO sensitivity can be set manually by the photographer or automatically by the camera.

ホワイトバランス(White Balance)

White balance is used to adjust colors to match the color of the light source so that white objects appear white. Subjects may be lit by a number of different light sources, including sunlight, incandescent bulbs, and fluorescent lighting. Although to the naked eye all these different light sources may appear colorless, in fact they emit light of different colors. The image sensor in a digital camera will reproduce these color differences just as they are, with the result that without additional processing the color of the photograph would appear to change according to the light source. Auto white balance automatically processes the image to remove unwanted color casts by, for example, making photographs taken under incandescent bulbs more blue to correct the reddish cast of this type of lighting. Normally, auto white balance will produce the desired results without the photographer having to worry about the type of lighting. If auto white balance does not produce the desired results, the photographer can choose from a number of fixed white balance options according to the weather or the light source. The photographer can also choose a setting for direct sunlight or incandescent lighting to introduce a deliberate red or blue cast according to their creative intent.

コンバージョンレンズ(英語:Conversion Lens)は、カメラ、デジタルカメラ、ビデオカメラでの撮影において、レンズに装着する事で、元のレンズの焦点距離よりも広角側もしくは望遠側で撮影できるようにするものである。コンバージョンレンズを使用しているときは、コンバージョンレンズに対して本来の撮影レンズをマスターレンズと呼ぶ。(Wikipedia

  1. デジタル一眼レフカメラの基礎知識 ( ニコンイメージング)
  2. Digital SLR Camera Basics

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